Informasi Tempat Wisata Lengkap

Tempat wisata di indonesia sangat lah lengkap terlebih di daerah yang hanya menjadi destinasi untuk pelancong. Maka dari itu wisatawan bandung jakarta surabay malang jombang diharapkan tahu tempat apa saja yang menjadi tujuannya. Antara lain web yang menyediaakan Informasi Tempat Wisata Lengkap hanya di

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ms-whmcs integration of external orders on any other web hosting

he is one of the advantages whmcs ms-application, the display order hosting you do not have to always go to the client area to select the package. you can create the look of its own reservations on your main website with a look like-like you.

Your clients can book a package through the main site, provided the client is in a position logged for the ordering process goes smoothly.

This coding it, please modif as needed

<table cellpadding="5" bgcolor="#99CCFF"> <tr> <td>
<table width="500" class=halustable cellpadding="5" bgcolor="#3399FF" style="font-size:10px"> <tr> <td>
<b> STUDENT PACKAGE </ b> <br>
<br> space 200MB bandwidth, email, FTP -> Unlimited <br>

databases, subdomains, addon -> 2
</ Td> </ tr> <td <tr> align="center"> <div style="margin-bottom:1px"> <input type = "button" value = "Order" class = 'inputsubmit' style = "width: 100px; font-size: 15px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;"
onclick = "if (this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName ('div') [1]. getElementsByTagName ('div') [0]. style.display! ='')
this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName ('div') [1]. getElementsByTagName ('div') [0]. style.display ='';
this.innerText =''; this.value = 'Hide';
} Else {
 this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName ('div') [1]. getElementsByTagName ('div') [0]. style.display = 'none';
this.innerText =''; this.value = 'Order';
}"></ Div>
<div style="margin: 5px; padding: 0px;">
<div style="margin: none;">

<! - Navigate to ->
action="" <form method="POST" target="_blank">
<!------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------->

<table border="0" class=halustable bgcolor=#edeff4 cellpadding="5">
<tbody> <tr>
<tr> <td> Your Domain </ td> <td>: <input type="text" name="site" maxlength="50"/> </ td> </ tr> <tr> <td> < / td> <td border="0" /> <input type="hidden" name="buy" value="buy"

<! - Change value as the package name and price in the client area ->
<input type="hidden" name="harga" value="30000" />
<input type="hidden" name="paket" value="Basic A" />
<!------------------------------------------------ -------------------------->

<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Ok to Order" class='inputsubmit' />

</ Td> </ tr> </ tbody> </ table> </ form> </ div> </ div> </ td> </ tr> </ table> </ td> </ tr> </ table>

real examples of its application like this:
Copas script above, then put it in your main site diarea body, changing coding some scripts that already ane Mark, then you run what is happening? mantabs right, now hosting orders can be done from anywhere without the need of the client area, the next you stay a little development will change the appearance to be maknyos.

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tutorial ms-whmcs use to admin

* When the system receives a new client registration, the admin will receive email notification
    * When the system receives orders from clients, then the admin will receive email notification

ms-manage hosting system whmcs be customized, so you can use with multiple servers with just one application to manage all your clients, you only have to change the IP on the column managed hosting WHM appropriate server you use.
managed hosting is divided two parts, namely manage MS-WHMcs (around transactions, client data, order info, support etc.) and manage your reseller WHM (around create accounts and other systems contained therein).

how to manage the hosting that has been perpetrated in order

    * Ms-whmcs admin login
    * Manage incoming host
    * Will take you directly view the first pending order
    * The default status is pending
    * If the client has made payment transactions, the next step is to go into your WHM account personally and do create the account manually
    * After that update data on the ms-whmcs by filling IP WHM, cpanel username and password for clients to directly access cpanel via your client area.

how to manage the hosting will be suspended

    * Ms-duration whmcs system is a month before the suspension, 15 days a month before the suspension, and will be suspended during the day when there will be notification to the email admin and the client automatically.
    * If you receive when hosting should be suspended, then go to your WHM and do pensuspenan manually,
    * Ms-whmcs admin login
    * Manage hosting active area
    * Update the status column to be suspended for integral data making it easy for you memanagenya

how to extend the hosting clients who have ordered

    * Make sure the client has met the requirements
    * Log in your WHM account
    * Do unsuspend on client accounts
    * Ms-whmcs admin login
    * Update data on the managed hosting suspend area
    * Update data on the active column to the current date format (dd-mm-yyyy) Automatic active period will increase a year later, and change the status to active, click update. then the extension has been completed you are doing.

how to cancel the hosting that has been perpetrated in order

    * Ms-whmcs admin login
    * Entrance area managed host
    * Click on the client's name would you cancel
    * Then go into detail page client info
    * Please send masage clients advance through this area.
    * If the client does not respond or they do agree on your warning, then the next step you can delete hosting clients who have booked without hesitation or as agreed to reactivate the client.



in this case, ms-whmcs system is customized, jd you do not need to be a domain reseller to sell the domain to the client, you just need to find a place to purchase a domain that is very affordable and you can place an order over acoount your whois info, and change the registrar on behalf of clients you, pretty easy right.
or you can be a domain reseller if needed.

how to manage domain that has been perpetrated in order

    * Ms-whmcs admin login
    * Incoming manage domain
    * Will take you directly view the first pending order
    * The default status is pending, if the client has made payment transactions, the next step is to go into account your personal domain panel and do the booking manually on your domain provider, after that update data on the ms-whmcs by changing the status becomes active.

how to perform domain extension that has been ordered clients

    * Make sure the client has met the requirements
    * Log in your domain panel account
    * Do manual extension on your domain provider
    * After that update data on the ms-whmcs by changing the status becomes active and change the date to current date format (dd-mm-yyyy) Automatic active period will increase next year and then click update. then the extension has been completed you are doing.

how to cancel a domain that has been perpetrated in order

    * Ms-whmcs admin login
    * Entrance area manage domain
    * Click on the client's name would you cancel
    * Then go into detail page client info
    * Please send masage clients advance through this area.
    * If the client does not respond or they do agree on your warning, then the next step you can delete a domain that has been booked clients without hesitation or as agreed to reactivate the client.


communication activities with a client you can see in this area with a 1-month duration of the message will be automatically deleted for the sake of stability and ease of your database because it does not need to do a cleanup of useless old data manually.

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tutorial ms-whmcs use for client

what to do for the first time client?

     * clients are required to register + email notification
     * and do a login to access client area
     * clients can change your account information via the client area if something goes wrong information data that has been registered

what to do for clients booking process runs smoothly?

     * clients are required to login to place an order
     * then do the booking + new email notification
     * confirmation of payment and activation in accordance with each user's MS-WHMcs billing

clients how to manage the services you have booked?

     * clients are required to login to be able to manage the services you have booked
     * Manage hosting, view order status, price of booking, date of service ordered, as well as access cpanel username password
     * manage domain, view order status, price of booking, date of service ordered, and updating the domain NS

how clients contact admin?

     * required client login
     * entrance ticket area and send messages directly to the admin + notification email
     * info detail can be seen in the area support

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Features and how to set the admin system ms-whmcs and function

* Please login admin on your site

admin home area is the summary or brief summary of your transactions activity in managing client that includes: Total Client, Order Today, Host Orders, Pending Host, Host On, Suspend Host, Domain Order, Pending Domain, Active Domains, Domain Suspend.


    * Setting an account as your preferred email data that you use often, because every transaction, and other activities, you will be notified via email of this, the rest is up would be filled or not
    * Setting the template, this is an additional feature to maximize your in providing information to clients, which will be raised diarea home, area support, an area on hosting orders, and the area of ​​domain order on the client interface. if you do not want to use this service, does not need to be filled or empty it.

make suitable hosting package you want to sell along with a description and price. data that you input will be in alphabetical sequence, so use the appropriate alphabet if you want to sort the packages which should be displayed top.

package suitable for the domain you want to sell and its extension (. com. org. info, etc.) and price. data that you input will be in alphabetical sequence.

This area must you fill, as all invoices and notifications will be sent based on the data you have input if the transaction or the warning from the system automatically.


    * See the total overall client data
    * Click detail will bring you a complete view the first client's data and what he orders, and you can send a message to the client through this area, you can direct message you send or save it as a draft if a time the same message you want to send to other clients . and you can delete a client you feel is not important, aka spam.

HOST Ordered

    * Manage hosting clients who have a message on this area, pending initial status is the default, you can replace it to become active or suspended if the client has met the requirements that you have created. IP servers will be loaded by default if you have filled in the default IP on ACCOUNT SETTINGS above earlier. cpanel username and password details you can add according to the data you create in WHM. This function will allow the client to be able to log directly into cpanel via your client area.
    * Click on the client's name will bring you a complete view the first client's data and what he orders, and you can send a message to the client through this area, you can direct message you send or save it as a draft if a time the same message you want to send to client other.

DOMAIN Ordered

    * Manage domain that has client message in this area, pending initial status is the default, you can replace it to become active or suspended if the client has met the requirements that you have created. NS1 danNS2 will be filled by default if you have filled in the default NS ACCOUNT SETTINGS above earlier. Our recommendasikan to not fill the EPP code in the area for safety Domain clients.
    * Click on the client's name will bring you a complete view the first client's data and what he orders, and you can send a message to the client through this area, you can direct message you send or save it as a draft if a time the same message you want to send to client other.


    * Latest ticket order status based on the last ticket you transmit or send the client, the status reply is divided into three open new ticket, reply by admin, and the reply by the client.
    * Click on an email client, will bring you to the page detail info clients
    * Click on view will bring you view the first message ticket, you can read messages from clients as well as sending back an answer to the client ticket

will carry out the admin page

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ms-whmcs installation guide

after download the package that we have given, namely the zip file and sql file
The following is a guide to the finished installation

    * Log directory cpanel and enter the domain / subdomain
    * Upload the zip file into the root domian main / subdomain. Do not place it inside another folder, then extract
    * Go into the mysql database, create the data base. eg USERCPANEL_databasemswhmcs
    * Still in the mysql database, create user databases, eg USERCPANEL_usermswhmcs, and enter his password you suka2
    * Still in the mysql database, live integrasiin, at the bottom there are options add user databases,,, select the userdatabase and databases that we created earlier ... click add. will display a new page, please check the list of all access and save
    * Entry dicpanel phpmyadmin, select the database that was created earlier, then click import, sql file which has inputs we provide, success.
    * Enter directory files that have been diextract before, locate the file panggil.php, edit the setting username and database name that you created earlier recorded base. following example:

original script

mysql_connect ("localhost", "root", "");
mysql_select_db ("ms-whmcs");

change according to your database

mysql_connect ("localhost", "USERCPNEL_usermswhmcs", "password-user should");
mysql_select_db ("USERCPNEL_databasemswhmcs");


    * Enter dicpanel cron job, enter your email, save. then setting the notification will work, ane suggest once day. files will diekseskusi every day at 12malam, and will diinfokan via email about your client account that will soon be over the validity of their hosting. commend the contents of the last of which files are executed every single day, following his commend:

if you install the main didomain

/ Usr / bin / php-q / home / USERCPANEL / public_html / cron.php

if you install disubdomain

/ Usr / bin / php-q / home / USERCPANEL / public_html / NAME-FOLDER-SUBDOMAIN / cron.php

USERCPANEL replace with your cpanel username
replace-FOLDER NAME-SUBDOMAIN with your subdomain folder name


    * Last Setting up an admin account, go to the admin installation, enter your admin username and password to access the admin area, after completion, do not forget to delete the folder INSTALL for security.

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[Tutorial] How to Create a Joomla Component

Joomla renowned as one of the platforms Content Management System (CMS) to publish to the World Wide Web or an intranet but other than well-known as CMS, Joomla was also famous as a framework Modelview-controller (MVC) Web Application Development.

In this tutorial will discuss about how to manufacture components for Joomla by using Joomla-Framework v1.5.

MVC is common for web developers, MVC is a software design pattern that is used to organize code in such a way that the business logic and data presentation are separated.

The reason is because the MVC approach if business logic is grouped into one section, then DISPLAY (interface) and USER INTERACTION which depends on the data may be revised or amended WITHOUT should reprogram its business logic.

MVC was originally developed to map the traditional functions of inputs, outputs and processes in architecture logical GUI.
Here are the three main points of Joomla MVC (which probably will make it different from other MVC framework).

- Model is part of the component associated with the data.
- The model usually takes the form of a working class, add, modify and delete information in the database.
- Model is usually associated with the data. So if for example we change the system of file-based storage systems into a database-based storage, we only need to replace the coding model, without the need to change the controller or view.

- View is part of the functional components that render data from a model that is suitable for interaction.
- For web-based applications, generally the view would be in the form of HTML pages.
- View that will pull data from the model (actually drawn on the controller and then thrown into the View) and provide data to the template (the template will be displayed to the user)
- View is never alter the data, only display data taken from the model.

- Controller is responsible for user activity. Especially in the web application form page request (for example, $ _POST or $ _GET).
- Controller to determine what prompted the user request and responds by triggering the model to change the data and send the model to the view so that view can display the data.

To implement MVC in Joomla we use 3 classes: JModel, JView and JController

In addition there are Joomla Model, View and Controller are also known as the Entry Point and Template.

We will create a component named datadiri. This component is to display the stored personal data in the database.
The following list of files that must be made:
- Com_datadiri / datadiri.php - This is the entry point to get to the components
- Com_datadiri / Controller.php - this is a basic file controller.
- Com_datadiri / views / biodatas / view.html.php - This file is interesting data that is considered important then tossed it into the template.
- Com_datadiri / views / biodatas / tmpl / default.php - This is the template file that is output.
- Datadiri.xml - XML ​​is that determines how Joomla install our component.

Entry point name must match the name component.
Underscore have a special meaning in Joomla, so avoid using an underscore in the name.

Joomla always access through the entry point: index.php for regular site and the administrator / site.php to page administrator.

Applications will load the necessary components in accordance with the value of 'option' in the URL or in POST data. For the URL will be something like: index.php? Option = com_datadiri.
Example file contents com_datadiri / datadiri.php:

<? Php
defined ('_JEXEC') or die ('Restricted accessed');
require_once (JPATH_COMPONENT.DS. 'Controller.php');
$ Controller = new DatadiriController (); / / create object of DatadiriController
$ Controller-> execute (JRequest:: getVar ('task'));

Initial line, "defined ('_JEXEC') or ..." is a statement for security checks.

JPATH_COMPONENT an absolute path to the component now, in this case komponens / com_datadiri.

DS is the directory separator is '/' if not '\'. It automatically according to the server OS.

JRequest:: getVar () to retrieve data from $ _POST [] or from the $ _GET []. For example, its URL index.php? Task = insert, then we can write JRequest:: getVar ('task') to get the value of the task.

Base controller is located on com_datadiri / Controller.php. If for example one day need an additional controller, then create additional controllers such as 'DatadiriControllerxxx' in com_datadiri / controllers / xxx.php.
Additional controller naming standard: Component {Name} {Controller} {name} Controller

Usually we start the design of the Model.
Here are examples of coding (com_datadiri / models / biodatas.php)


<? Php
defined ('_JEXEC') or die ('Restricted accessed');
jimport ('joomla.application.komponen.model');
DatadiriModelBiodatas class extends JModel
getBiodata function ()
$ Db = & JFactory:: getDBO ();
$ Query = "SELECT name, value FROM jos_datadiri";
$ Db-> setQuery ($ query);
$ Result = $ db-> loadRowList ();
return $ results;

jimport is a function whose purpose is the same with php include but with several advantages. For example we need to include file joomla / application / component / model.php, then we can write with jimport (joomla.application.komponen.model) where the sign '/' is replaced with a dot (.) And on the back. Php is not necessary written.

Naming System Model: Component {Name} {Model} {name} Model

If we want to access the database then we have to write $ db = & JFactory:: getDBO ();
We use the & so that only her reference. Because if we do not use it then he will move all data into a variable, and it is very time consuming.

To perform the Select query we use $ db-> setQuery ()
To query the Insert, Update or Delete then we must use $ db-> execute ()
To retrieve the query results there are many ways that is, $ db-> loadResult (), $ db-> loadRowList () and others.
$ Db-> loadRowList () to retrieve all the rows the query results.

Here are examples of coding (com_datadiri / views / biodatas / view.html.php):


<? Php
defined ('_JEXEC') or die ('Restricted Accessed');
jimport ('joomla.application.komponen.view');
DatadiriViewBiodatas class extends JView
function display ($ tpl = null)
$ Model = & $ this-> getModel ();
$ Biodatas = $ model-> getBiodata ();
$ This-> assignRef ('biodatas', $ biodatas);
parent:: display ($ tpl);

Default function of View is a display ()

In the $ model = & $ this-> getModel (); might be a bit confusing why we only write the model getModel without mentioning what we want to take (normally the model can be more than one). That's because later in the Controller class then we shall setModel () to class View, so here we stay getModel (). Note the Controller class for more details.

$ This-> assignRef () is a function to cast the variable to the template. For example we write $ this-> assignRef ('biodatas', $ biodatas) then to access it in the template later on we simply write $ this-> biodatas

Template / layout of Joomla is a PHP file which are used to display data from a View.

Variables are set JView:: assignRef can be accessed by using $ this-> {namaproperty}.

Here are examples of coding:

<? Php
defined ('_JEXEC') or die ('Restricted Accessed');
<strong> List of Biodatas </ strong>
<? Php
foreach ($ this-> biodatas as $ row)
echo "<li>". "<strong> '. $ row [0 ].'</ strong >'.'=>'.$ row [1 ]."</ li>";
</ Ol>

Here are examples of coding (com_datadiri / Controller.php):


<? Php
defined ('_JEXEC') or die ('restricted accessed');
jimport ('joomla.application.component.controller');
DatadiriController class extends JController
function display ()
$ View = & $ this-> getView ('biodatas', 'html');
$ Model = & $ this-> getModel ('biodatas');
if (! JError:: ISERROR ($ model))
$ View-> setModel ($ model, true);
$ View-> setLayout ('default');
$ View-> display ();

JController constructor must always be enrolled function display () as the default unless you specify other functions by using the method registerDefaultTask ().

Controller that perform load class View and Model classes.

To load the View, use $ this-> getView (nama_view {}, 'html'}

To load the model, using $ this-> getModel (nama_module {}}

$ View-> setLayout () is a function determining the layout, ie how the View displays its data.

To display the View that you created, we shall write $ view-> display ()

Presented in this tutorial is only the basic concept of MVC using Joomla and applied to the Site (front-end page, a visitor sees). If for example you want to use the Administrator (back-end page, the admin) is actually the same, with a record of its component folders are placed in a folder administrator.

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